
awards and milestones

Australian Guild Appreciation Plaque

The Australian Guild of Music is Australia’s oldest – and most experienced – provider of distance learning in music performance. Founded in 1969, the AGME Public Exams have been the basis of musical training for thousands of children in Australia and South East Asia.

We are proud to receive the appreciation plaque from the Guild Network in recognition of valuable contribution to student’s growth through achievement!

Featured on kiddy123.com

Mini & Moments is young and has all the attributes of youth: lively, engaging and fun. It is fresh, bright and colourful. Creating the right environment, the right ambience, is important. Custom painted walls complete with clouds in the ceiling is one of the many features that boosts their concept of “Happy Child, Happy Learning”.

Educoop Award – National Outstanding Educator Finalist (2018 and 2019)

Educoop awarded us in 2018 for coming in as one of the finalists under the National Outstanding Educator category! Receiving this award was really a milestone for us, and we would like to say thank you to all who have supported our journey thus far. Educoop is one of Malaysia’s leading private education co-operative committed to serving its members.

100comments – 10 Best Child Enrichment Centres in Klang Valley For Smarty Kids

100comments.com prides itself as South East Asia’s premier product review platform. Mini & Moments was featured as one of the top 10 child enrichment centres in the Klang Valley! Read the full blog post here

Featured on The WongChuiLing Show

Wong Chui Ling is a Hong Kong-born Malaysia-based TV and radio personality, host, columnist and now entrepreneur. She has an established platform and an online channel know as The WongChuiLing Show, and we were featured on one of the episodes!

Chui Ling interviewed our beloved founder Jessie Leong, where she spoke about the impact of music on a child’s learning experience. We cherish Chui Ling as a key opinion leader, and her having us on her show was a huge honour! Chui Ling is also a firm believer of what we do as her son actively participates in our best-selling Mini Maestro program as part of his learning.

Children Enrichment Class

日日咁多做點做得洒?搵方法慳時間囉!橫掂要帶小朋友來上課,順便邀請埋負責人做個訪問,自己可以了解多D,又可以多一個 po, 一舉幾得!哈哈!

Posted by Chui Ling on Friday, March 23, 2018


Watch this video to hear what our parents have to say!

Past Events

2019 Concert for Children – 8 Dec 2019

Annual Concert for Mini & Moments children!

2018 Concert for Children – 8 Sept 2018

Annual Concert for Mini & Moments children! We are truly amazed by their courage and confidence to perform in front of the stage.

Mini & Moments Roadshow

Learn More, Register Your Child And Come Try A Class!


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